9-11 Review (703)
A Resource for Understanding the 9/11/01 Attack
9/11 We Know (836)
Home of the '911 Mysteries' movie.
911 Proof (666)
911 Proof is an excellent starting point, when you want to be shown an introdutory overview of the 911truth agenda.
911 truth action (506)
Den 11. i hver måned arrangeres aktioner over hele kloden for at højne kendskabet til 9/11. Deltag selv eller kom med gode ideer.
911courage.org (683)
About 9/11 Activism: Leafletting for Whistleblowers
911Truth.org (946)
The mother lode of serious 911 sites
ae911truth.org (557)
9-11 Commission Report Implicitly Discredited by More Than 100 Architects and Engineers
infowars.com (715)
Alex Jones bats it out of the stadium!
Kevin Barrett's site!
MUJCA-NET is a group of scholars, religious leaders and activists dedicated to uniting members of the Jewish, Christian and Islamic faiths in pursuit of 9/11 truth.
Officials Question 9/11 (619)
Senior Military, Intelligence, and Government
Officials Question 9/11 Commission Report
reopen911.org (644)
En side der fremfører ideen om:
"Proof Blue Screen Technology Faked 2nd Plane".
Hørte jeg nogen sige 'strawman'?
Scholars for 9/11 Truth (613)
Probably the most active 911 site, with many knowledgeable contributors. Serious stuff!
The Pentagon No-757-Crash Booby Trap (630)
The idea that no 757 crashed at the Pentagon is easily the most controversial and divisive issue among researchers of the 9/11/01 attacks. Effectively promoted since early 2002, this idea has enjoyed an increasing acceptance in the 9/11 Truth Movement, despite its blatant incompatibility with the extensive body of eyewitness evidence that a 757-like twin-engine jetliner flew into the Pentagon and exploded.
Universal Seed (790)
A Public Collaboration in the Quest for Truth
WTC7.net the hidden story of Building 7: The Collapse of WTC Building 7 (622)
Building 7 was the third skyscraper to be reduced to rubble on September 11, 2001. According to the government, small fires leveled this building, but fires have never before or since destroyed a steel skyscraper.
911 AV
911eyewitness.com (617)
Rick Siegel's video from across the river from WTC.
Apparently Michael Berger is making a Movie starring Steven E. Jones and Jim Hoffman, but it has been a looooooooooooooooong time coming, yawn!
Laughing Pond (878)
911 Documentaries - the eyeopeners.
loosechange911.com (917)
The notorious "Loose Change", the most popular 9/11 movie ever, chock-full of a mix of unsubstantiated allegations, and really good stuff! Highly entertaining.
This is where the best of the best international news reports are gathered.
When you want to know how the post 9/11 world is unraveling, this is it.
I 11. Time (560)
Fokuserer bla. på at vi er på vej til ny fascisme
I 11. time (426)
Kritikken & Folkebevægelsen. I det gamle Sovjet blev enhver som ikke troede på partiet udstillet af pressen som "stakkels sindslidende". I vesten udstiller pressen dem som fremlægger beviser på politiske autoriteters bedrag mod egen befolkning, som "paranoide konspirationsteoretikere". Gad vide hvilket formål det mon har? og virker det på dig?
i 11. time (361)
Stå frem med navn og foto. Støt en ny undersøgelse af 11. september 2001.
Jakoblog (1,072)
Jakob’s 9/11 Research
News about 911 and related issues such as wars in Iraq and Iran, and hope in venezuela.
loosechange.dk (737)
Dedikeret Dansk 9/11 Site, der sælger en dansk-tekstet version af "Loose Change".
tidsskriftcentret.dk (om 9/11) (863)
tidsskriftcentret.dk har en side med links til og korte beskrivelser af data om 9/11
911myths.com (607)
The web is full of sites covering various conspiracy theories. Many seem well-researched, and appear to have plenty of detailed documentation to prove their claims. But are they really true?
debunking911.com (561)
Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy theories and Controlled Demolition Myths
Kookwatch (969)
Thomas Krogh forener den officielle forklaring med et objektivt videnskabeligt blik... Yeah Right!
Steven Sampson's debunking links (651)
Steven Sampson er forfatter til en debunk artikel, der blev bragt i Weekend Avisen.
Hans egne ord om debunking sites: "...de mange »debunking« sites, som så grundigt har vist, hvor misvisende, udspekuleret, manipulerende, ulogisk og til dels latterlige de fleste »truthers« såkaldte bevismateriale egentlig er."
ATS - 9/11 Conspiracies (1,074)
Above Top Secret Conspiracy Community - 9/11 Conspiracies
Der følger en del pop-up/under reklamer med, og spørgeskemaer om du har Alien-teknologi indopereret.
Missing In Action
Censurnyt (696)
A great but dead Danish site ran by Peter Kofod.
globalresearch.ca (700)
Michel Chossudovsky. The Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) is an independent research and media group of writers, scholars and activists. It is a registered non profit organization in the province of Quebec, Canada.
Heising.dk (771)
Comments and analysis on political and economic issues. Blog-style, Danish.
hybrideb.com (610)
Archive of many Images and video-footage
Sprword.com (618)
Sprword.com plans to counter corporate media by providing links to important videos, articles, and other websites that reveal what corporate mainstream media refuses to recognize as need-to-know information.
The TorrentChannel (723)
Dokumentarer om 9/11 og andre forbudte emner
I min erfaring meget langsom, men prøv selv.
logosmagasin.dk/ (728)
Af og for mennesker med fokus på livskvalitet og engagement i psykisk, fysisk og global balance.
9-11.se (720)
Söker sanningen bakom attackerna den 11 september
aktivist.se/ (639)
Krigen mod terrorisme er en bluff
Red Ice - Resist the Flood of Ignorance (1,323)
Red Ice is an alternative news website for better understanding reguarding Conspiracies, Mythology, Symbolism, History, Religion, Occultism, Secret Societies & Freemasonry, Alchemy, Theurgy, The Illuminati, Science, Technology, Transhumanism, Energy & Space news, Earthchanges, Economy, Banking, Archeology, Astrology, Art, Spirituality, "2012", Ancient Civilizations, UFO's, Aliens, God(s), Angels & Demons and much, much, much, much more.